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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Asch Conformity Experiment

For the most part there are two different types of people, those who conform and those who do not. In the Asch Conformity Experiment, psychologist Solomon Asch conducted a series of tests measuring the powers of group conformity.

There are many different factors contributing to whether or not an individual will conform with the rest of a group. In the Asch Conformity Experiment, Asch had a group of people that were all actors with the exception of one test subject. The group was shown an image (shown below). The group had to match one line with another. The actors were told to give the wrong answer each time. This was to see if the actual test subject would give the correct answer, or go along with the group. Most subjects who had a different answer then the others, but had to say it out loud, would agree with the other subjects. The individual figured that if they were the only one stating a different answer, the individual must be incorrect.
However, when an individual was able to write down their answer, they were more likely to write down a different answer from all the other subjects.


This experiement was very interesting. I can think of many times in school, work, and even at home when I happen to be the only one thinking one way, and rather than arguing my point, I just go along with the rest of the group. My reasoning for this is simply to avoid conflict. I'm the type of person that does not enjoy confrontation, so rather than creating an argument, it's easier just to go along with the rest of the group. What type of person are you?

Psychologist Solomon Asch:

An image of the "lines" the subjects would look at:


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